
How to make your house look expensive (on a budget)

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So, you want to make your house look expensive

Having a home that looks expensive and attractive can seam hard but it’s actually more budget friendly than you think. It’s all about bringing the right items into your home that are carefully selected and placed accordingly. Before you can even start to implement these ideas it’s important to know your style and what you want your home to look like. This could be a Scandinavia or Mid-Century styled home for example. Once decided and you have a good idea of your style, adding these simple tips will create the look you’re trying to achieve with an “expensive touch”.

living room expensive looking
Living room with picture frame

Image via Pinterest

Picture frames

Matching pictures frames create that stylish looks and are extremely affordable as well. The trick is to try and use the same style frame throughout the home and if not the same style frame then selecting frames that complement each other. This could be in a similar wood, metal or colour. By being intentional with your fame selection and not just selecting any mish mash of frames it will instantly create a gallery or museum look throughout the room.

Try these frames

Image via Pinterest

Choose one colour scheme

This is a common one that a lot of people find hard to stick to. It is so easy to get swept up in the latest trends or try to replicate someone home we saw on social media. Because of this it’s so important to be strict and stick to your colour scheme. A cohesive colour pallet will instantly make your room look like it’s been put together really well.

Image via Pinterest

Less is more!

That’s right, clutter looks bad and make your home looks messy and unorganised. It great to add personality in your home with ornaments and decorative items but the impact and the uniqueness of them can get loss when you have to many. The easiest way to remove clutter is to remove all “loose” items (frames, ornament, candles, etc) and slowly bring back in your favourites. When it looks like enough put the rest in storage. This alone can make your house look expensive instantly! You can rotate them through next time you want to give your room a refresh.

Neutral homewares are a good idea to!

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