
Everyday things you can cut back on to save money

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Simple ways to save money!

This is a challenge that anyone can face at any point in their life. Spending less on a few things, whether it be for that next holiday, something special, or to have that extra money put away for a rainy day. These are not only ways to save money, but are also great ways to learn how to control your spending, especially on things that are not really necessary.

Take away

Cut back on eating out and takeaway, or maybe save it for special occasions.

how to save money

Public Transport

Parking in the city or anywhere can be expensive on top of petrol cost.


Are you a part of anything you don’t use anymore? Take a little time to look it over and cancel what you don’t use.

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Phone and internet

Take a look to see if you’re getting a good deal on a comparison site.


Check if you’re getting the best rate on a comparison site.

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Consider bringing in your own in a reusable cup or making one when you get into the office.

Mindless spending

Keep track and write down what you spend daily. This way, you’ll know if you’re being wasteful or mindless in your spending.

how to save money

Don’t buy lunch

Bring your lunch into work.

Health Insurance

Check if you’re getting the best rate on a comparison site.

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how to save money

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