
Why your indoor plants leaves keep turning brown

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Why your indoor plants leaves keep turning brown

If your indoor pants leaves keep turning brown, then there’s probably a simple solution

There is one problem a lot of indoor plants face and is brown leaves. The good news is, this is generally a simple fix as long as it spotted quickly.

With any new plant you purchase you need to make sure you look into how they need to be cared for so you’re not wasting money. Every plant is different. From placing it in the right spot in your home to understanding how much attention the plant may need.

Why your indoor plants leaves keep turning brown
Why your indoor plants leaves keep turning brown

Need more advice on why your indoor plants keep dying? // READ HERE

Watering problems

Your leaves could be turning brown simply because you’re not watering it enough. Some plants require the soil be kept moist. Make sure you check the soil regularly to avoid it drying out.

Why your indoor plants leaves keep turning brown


You may have a topical indoor plant that’s from a jungle climate. If you’re unable to recreate this, it will cause the leaves to turn brown as there is a lack of humidity. To create humidity simply spray the leaves with water or give your plants a shower every few days.

Why your indoor plants leaves keep turning brown

Too much fertiliser

Some plants only require fertilising once or twice a year. Make sure you’re not over fertilising as this will lead to a build-up of too much salt. This will cause your plant leaves to start turning brown.

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Why your indoor plants leaves keep turning brown
Why your indoor plants leaves keep turning brown
Why your indoor plants leaves keep turning brown
Why your indoor plants leaves keep turning brown
Why your indoor plants leaves keep turning brown

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Why your indoor plants leaves keep turning brown
Why your indoor plants leaves keep turning brown

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